Sunday, June 27, 2010

Singularity aka Mada just thinks it sucks.

Mada: I had to grab the power cord for the laptop
 Slidell: so totally get that
 Mada: Yeah
  just got the
hey idiot you have 12 mins left. you wanna plug this bad boy in
 Slidell: mine has stopped warning me
  the screen just goes black
  oh i smell so scrumptious
 Mada: LOL
Slidell: midnight pomegranate
  black amethyst
 Mada: Nice
 Slidell: and blackberry amber
  I smell like an expensive prostitute!
 Mada: Even better!
 Slidell: ;)
 ok i'm paused
 Mada: count it
 Slidell: and lotioned
  here we go
  and a hole
 Mada: I HATE this EPISODE
 Slidell: I love this opening though
 "what did you just say?"
  "it's just an astronomical term"
 Mada: LOL
  That was good
 Slidell: Welcome to Hanka
 uh oh
  dead ppl
  don't touch him
  Shouldn't he have washed his hands before he touched his mask?
Mada: you would think
 Slidell: I did
  that's why I asked you
  I'm just glad you agreed
 that symbol looks like a horsey
 Mada: LOL
 Slidell: must be pegasus
 Mada: must be
 Slidell: whiney
 Mada: LOL
 Slidell: yay
  I smell so luxurious!
 Mada: LOL
 I need some good lotion. I am out
 Slidell: yellow outfits
  Bath and Bodyworks Yellow Duck Sale
  75% off
 Mada: I bought this stuff that smells AWESOME but it makes me itch
  It's alright
 Slidell: sorry
Mada: shrug
 Slidell: and it isn't supposed to make you itch
 Mada: Rt? It's bath and body too
  There must me something in it
 Slidell: something in there you're allergic too
  So that is Cassie's Mom
 Mada: because all of the other stuff I have gotten I have been fine with
 Slidell: sad
  they have new formula stuff
 Mada: idk either
Slidell: I hate that line
 Mada: which one?
 Slidell: "Colonel, there's someone in the bushes and they won't come out."
  look friendly tealc is funny
  teal'c is such a daddy
 i know you hate this episode
  but don't leave me hanging
 Mada: Sorry
  I zxoned out
 Slidell: i noticed
 Mada: LOL
  I don't know what it is about this episode that irks me so much
  I mean
 Slidell: the kid
 Mada: it has some great lines in it
 Slidell: the crying part
  the no real action
 the fact that evvvvveryone dies
 Mada: Now that doesn
  t bother me
 Slidell: hahahaha
 Mada: I think it's how Sam goes all Mommy
 Slidell: My mommy doesn't act like that
 Mada: IDK
 Slidell: when I'm upset she tells me to get the hell over it
 tends to work
  of course at that age
  it was more of a, mess with my baby and die
 Mada: LOL
  As it should have been
 Slidell: now she is backup
  she knows i can take em
  you don't lock a little kid in a concrete room
 Mada: Why not?
  She is an alien after all
 Slidell: febreeze
  my italian ice is sticky
 Mada: Boo
 Slidell: I stired
 it is good again
 Mada: :D
 Slidell: Damn
  i want a hot dog
  i hate some yesterday
 Mada: then go and get one
 Slidell: don't have any
 Mada: boo
 Slidell: the ones from yesterday were awesome
 Mada: I do come on over
 Slidell: Jelli's mom grilled
  Dude, if we were neighbor
 Mada: ha ha ha
 Slidell: well i'd already be there so nevermind
Mada: LOL
  The Chef would be all like
 Slidell: That kid should be having therapy or something
 Mada: tell your friend to go home
  and I would be all like
 Slidell: lmao
  i'd be like chef
  i bought your wife a wonderwoman costume
 Mada: Make me some food
 Slidell: shut up
 Mada: snort
 Slidell: hehe
I loved Jack's explanation to Teal'c
 Mada: How the hell else are you going to explain it?
 Slidell: but teal'c says "thank you"
  i just liked it
  Sam's hair is getting flyaway
 Mada: I do too
 Like I said good lines in this one
 Slidell: So you don't hate it
  you just want to hate it
 Mada: I even have a love/hate realtionship with Sam's hair in this one
 Slidell: bwa ha ha
  She was so not a mom yet
 wonder if Teryl has kids
 Mada: IDK
 Slidell: That little kid was a good actress for her age
  Doesn't she play the Goauld hybrid in that one episode way later?
 Mada: Who? Cassie? The actress?
 Slidell: Cassie was played by two girls
  this one
 Mada: IDK
 Slidell: and then they used the one from Bane
 Mada: LOL
  There is a
  wait for it
 Slidell: but....way later they brought this one back
 Mada: .....
 Slidell: wait for what?
 Mada: commercial
 Slidell: yeah
 Mada: for what is in Cassie
 Slidell: its a boom boom
  i have x rays too
  of my back and chest
apparently when i was breathing when i got really sick, before I knew you, it sounded like i was building up fluid...the doctors were like oh shit
 Mada: no joker
 Slidell: I had strep
  I don't do good with strep
  I spike to 104-6
 i vomit
  a lot
  can't eat
  etc etc
  get dizzy too
  ran into a wall smack on one time
  it was pretty funny!!!
Mada: I guess you don't
 Slidell: lol
 Mada: how did they kid out her room so quick?
 Slidell: IDK!
  they beamed her
 Mada: tee hee
Slidell: I'm sure the Sam/Daniel shippers loved that
  and..."It's Showtime!"
 Mada: No joke
  At least know I understand where they got it
 because I never did
  Slidell: well, this kind of stuff ended but when it went on he was so totally married to share and trying to find her and all that
 Mada: Yeah
 Slidell: guess they forgot to ummm
  ya know
  check the weather
  attack vessel
  oh no!
 Mada: Duh duh duh
 Slidell: it's a frosty commercial
 Mada: yes?
  ha ha ha
 Slidell: frosty
 Mada: I had that last time
 Slidell: FROSTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Mada: Mine is for Cat Chow
  You don't know how much
  I'm a frosty whore
  nom nom nom
 Mada: LOL
 Slidell: Seven seasons from now and they would have just beamed that thing out
 Mada: ha ha ha
 Slidell: NOW HOW
  did he know that was Nirtti?
  tell me
  and if you say it was a bumper
 Mada: it was what the script said
 Slidell: And teal'c is going to say Nirtti's a he
He is a she
  HE once sent
 Mada: that's how Daniel knew
 Slidell: huh?
 Mada: right right
  it was in the script
  look at Osiris
Slidell: Yeah, well Nirtti is a female even in history
  Osiris was a woopsie this one has a vag
 Mada: LOL
 Slidell: Walter's glasses make antenna shadows
  one long freaking hour plus
 Mada: no joke
 Slidell: tell him its a matter of life and death!
Mada: gah! i REALLY do not like this episode
 Slidell: you are so weird
  I still love you though
 Mada: how am I weird?
 Slidell: and you don't like it because they were gonna let a little girl who reminds you of banana go boom
 Mada: That is so not it
  I can't stand that girl
  maybe that's it
  because I think she's annoying
 Slidell: well there ya go
  see we got it out
 Mada: therefore I care not about Cassie
 Slidell: i didn't like the one who replaced her
  the teen cassie
  such a little witch
 i'd a sent her butt back to her planet
 Mada: no joke
 Slidell: and my power cord pulled out
  damn it
 Mada: plug it back in
 Slidell: i hate these safety precaution things now
  it fell on the floor
 Mada: ??
 Slidell: i don't wanna get out of bed
 Mada: lazy
Slidell: it's an easy pull so it doesn't hurt the computer
  and i'm not lazy
  Sam lied
  she lied little girl
 Mada: LOL
 Slidell: Someone takes me down in a creepy basement
  i might just shank them
 Mada: And then wants to leave me there
I don't think so
 Slidell: Sam?
  Sam, you bitch!
  there is no cutout for the elevator just a soldi floor
  i hate her little temper tantrum
  hate it
 Mada: Yeah
 Slidell: glad daniel was paying attention
  I'm here cassie!
 Mada: Sam do you read me
 Slidell: lmao
you're gonna die
  the boys are like
  we will stay here
  where it is safe
 Mada: What is up with Sam crying
 Slidell: PMS
 Mada: I love you too
 Slidell: biological clock?
 Mada: effing shoot me in the head
Slidell: I meant Sam not you
 Mada: I know
  but give me a break
 Slidell: haha
 Mada: or as Jack would say
 Slidell: i am trying
 Mada: FCOL!
 Slidell: yep
  we're ok
ok, yeah, shipper moment
 Mada: I don't think so
 Slidell: the park scene?
  swinging the kid
Mada: Sam has sucky clothes
 Slidell: It's a Canada thing
 Mada: LOL
  That is one ugly dog
 Slidell: no he isn't
  he's precious
  looks like a fat fox!
 Mada: bleh
 Slidell: fat fox dog
  so cute
 oh is it over yet
  be over
 Mada: IDK I think another reason why I don't like this one is because Sam gets all Mommy
  to a child she has never ever met
 Slidell: ok
 Mada: IDK it just sits wrong
 Slidell: shrug
 Mada: Although Teal'c is rocking that hat
 Slidell: SWINGS!
 Mada: TG that is over

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